新技術振興渡辺記念会 令和4年度科学技術調査研究助成 成果報告
Watanabe Memorial Foundation for The Advancement of New Technology FY2022 Science and Technology Research Grant Report of Research Activities

<This project is supported by Watanabe Memorial Foundation for The Advancement of New Technology FY2022 Science and Technology Research Grant>

〇調査研究課題名:  アジア及び環太平洋地域における科学技術の研究公正推進と専門人材の育成
〇調査研究の概要:  アジア・太平洋地域における研究公正推進の取組を、(1) 法律・ガイドライン等、(2) 各研究機関の制度・実践、(3) 教育の3領域で収集・分析し、良好事例のデータベースを構築するとともに、(4) 研究公正を推進する専門人材の育成方法等を提案する。
Research project title: Promotion of Research Integrity in Science and Technology and Development of Professional Human Resources in Asia and the Pacific Rim
Summary of research: We will collect and analyze the efforts to promote research integrity in the Asia-Pacific region in the three areas of (1) laws and guidelines, (2) systems and practices at research institutions, and (3) education, to build a database of good practices, and, then, to propose methods to develop professional human resources who promote research integrity.

Asia Pacific Research Integrity Network Meeting 2023 TOKYO

2023年3月20日~22日にAsia Pacific Research Integrity Network Meeting 2023 TOKYO (APRI2023 TOKYO)が早稲田大学早稲田キャンパスにてハイブリッド形式で開催されました。

 APRI2023 TOKYOでは、最終的に22か国から、現地参加で約200名*、オンライン参加も含めて全体で700名**を超える皆様に参加登録をして頂き、バイオインフォマティクス、人工知能、新しい形態の不正行為、教育方法など、幅広い問題について議論を行いました。

* 参加費無料の1日目のみの登録が約40名で、約160名が有料の2日目と3日目を含む全期間の現地参加登録者です。
** これには約460名の参加登録料無料の1日目のみのオンライン登録者と、約50名の有料の2日目と3日目を含む全期間のオンライン登録者を含んでいます。

また、APRI2023 TOKYOでは、本プロジェクトの共同研究者及び若手人材が集まり、プロジェクト進捗の確認及び意見交換を行いました。

APRI2023 TOKYO公式ホームページ(英語):https://www.apri2023.org/
APRI2023 TOKYO日本語情報ページ:https://www.aprin.or.jp/seminar/seminar_detail/aprinkaigi2022
APRI2023 TOKYOカンファレンスブック:https://apri2023.org/images/2023_conferencebook.pdf

Asia Pacific Research Integrity Network Meeting 2023 TOKYO (APRI2023 TOKYO) was held in a hybrid format at Waseda University’s Waseda campus on March 20-22, 2023.

APRI2023 TOKYO had around 200* registrations in attendance at the venue and over 700** registrations from 22 countries in total, discussing wide ranges of issues, e.g., bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, new forms of misconduct and teaching approach.
We received many positive comments from the participants in terms of both the quality of subjects discussed about and the discussion per se.

(*: About 40 registrations are for the first day only which was free for registration, and about 160 are the whole period including the second and third day which required registration fee.)
(**: This includes about 460 on-line registrations for the first day which was free for registration, and about 50 on-line registrations for the whole period including the second and third day which required registration fee.)

In addition, at APRI2023 TOKYO, the project’s co-researchers and young human resources gathered to confirm the project’s progress and exchange opinions.

APRI2023 TOKYO Official Homepage:https://www.apri2023.org/
APRI2023 TOKYO Conference Book:https://apri2023.org/images/2023_conferencebook.pdf

Debriefing sessions and Workshops

Recordings of debriefing sessions and workshops held online are available for sharing research integrity efforts in Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, and the U.S., as well as for hands-on experience with educational materials and methods for research integrity and research ethics education.

Korea (February 21, 2023)

Taiwan (September 26, 2023)

The U.S. (September 28, 2023)

Korea (September 29, 2023)

Malaysia (September 29, 2023)


We have surveyed and collected research integrity efforts in Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, and the U.S. to build a database of good practices and to identify human resources who are working to promote research integrity.

[Human Resources] (Update: Nov.24/2023)

[Laws etc.] (Update: Nov.24/2023)

[Institutional Management] (Update: Nov.24/2023)

[RCR Education] (Update: Nov.24/2023)